Friday, October 16, 2009

Ahoy, patrons of stupidity!

There are some things in life that need to be clarified. I think a list is in order...and much easier for dumbasses to read.
1. NOTHING IS FREE! Just because you spend a decent junk of change on something, that doesn't mean you get something else of monetary value for FREE! Someone has to pay for that "thing" somewhere down the line and since you want to be the one to own this...YOU MUST PAY! Who are you that you deserve free of charge what some other sap has to work hard for, or spent their time and skill to make? GET OVER YOURSELVES!
2. SALES PEOPLE ARE NOT EXPERTS! Don't go to a retailer (i.e., Best Buy, RadioShack, Office Depot, etc) and ask to speak to an "Expert". Do you know what "experts" do? They charge idiots like you for professional and accurate tech support that they spent $$$ on getting certified for so they can make a living at that. Charging the "technically inept" $30-$50 an hour to do what you can't because you're too lazy to read a manual. You want an expert? Go to one (and NO, GeekSquad doesn't count)! Use the yellowpages.
3. A NOTE ON WORKING ON COMMISSION. Salespersons at the retailers listed work on what's called "commission". That means they don't get paid unless you buy something. So DO NOT waste their time getting valuable information on a quality product that you're just going to buy at Wal-Mart for a few bucks cheaper from morons that wouldn't know a router from a shoelace. Do this and you will go to hell. Don't believe in hell? I will make one just for you. But seriously, would you work for free? Of course not, no one would. Don't be an ass by thinking people should work for free when you're jerk ass would not.
4. IF YOU'RE TOO OLD TO READ A VERY LARGE SIGN, YOU'RE TOO OLD TO DRIVE! That would seem very self explanatory. Just because you're one foot into the grave and pissed off about it, doesn't mean you get endanger others and deny them the inevitability of feeling as worthless as you do.
and least for now..
5. EVERYTHING IS MADE IN CHINA! "Is this made in China?" "I don't want something made in China" Too F_ING Bad!! And don't blame the chinese! It's Americans who want things cheap. Its AMERICANS who will go to Wal-Mart to get something 2 dollards cheaper! American made is NOT CHEAP LABOR! There are unions that involve fees and minimum wage is rising, and to make a good American product you need to hire SKILLED LABORORS who will NOT work for minimum wage making this quality product which is something you will not buy because WAL-MART HAS THE CHINESE VERSION OF IT 3 DOLLARS CHEAPER!!!
And that's about all the hot air I can hold for right now, thanks for tuning in and Goodnight!

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